Saturday, May 6, 2017


3:15 - 5:00 PM
Aniello Bianco Room (Level B), 1 Pace Plaza, NYC
Conducted by Writing Awards Director Brice Particelli

Dr. Eugene Richie, English Department Chair

Willis, Owens, Gill, Cannon, and Rose Writing Awards,
and the Academy of American Poets Prize
The Sarah Willis, Billie and Curtis Owens, Richard Gill, Gerard Cannon, and James Rose memorial funds, named in honor of distinguished English Department faculty, and the David A. Bickimer-Promise of Learnings / Academy of American Poets Prize (founded by John Ashbery and David Kermani)

Nessie Nankivell, Gerard Cannon Award, 1st Place: “The Seeds That Drowned”
Cristina E. Vidal, Gerard Cannon Award, 1st Place: “Mamoncillos”
Morgan Hamilton, Sarah Willis Award, 2nd Place: “A Century of Roslyn Hale”
Kayla Hyland, Sarah Willis Award, 2nd Place: “Three”
Haley Boden, Billie and Curtis Owens Award, 3rd Place: “Curses”
Harold Hodge, Billie and Curtis Owens Award, 3rd Place: “An Excerpt from ‘Po’ Folks Dinner’”
Nicholas A. Krauss, Richard Gill Award, Honorable Mention: “Road Block”
Ida Seshie, Richard Gill Award, Honorable Mention: “Raw”

Madisyn Ritland, Gerard Cannon Award, 1st Place: “Heavy Sway”
Juliet Mueller, James Rose Award, 2nd Place: “Honey Bees Die After They Sting”
Ayla McCarthy Combes, Billie and Curtis Owens Award, 3rd Place: “Losing Los Sures: Transformation of Space and the Persistence of Cultural Memory in South Williamsburg”
Nicholas A. Krauss, Billie and Curtis Owens Award, 3rd Place: “Burning Point”
Nicki Kern, Richard Gill Award, Honorable Mention: “The B-Word”
Thomas Milligan, Richard Gill Award, Honorable Mention: “She + Him”
Megan Millisky, Richard Gill Award, Honorable Mention: “Bastard Cat”
Vincent Maximilliano Onofre, Richard Gill Award, Honorable Mention: “A Little More”

Asia Letlow and Sarah Hillyer, Gerard Cannon Award, 1st Place: “Student Perceptions and Attitudes on Citations”
Meagan McLaughlin, Sarah Willis Award, 2nd Place: “The Missing Set,” “The Art of Seduction," and “How Many X’s…? How Many Y’s…?”
Nessie Nankivell, Sarah Willis Award, 2nd Place: “Our Teacher’s Copy: Literacy Sponsorship in High School Education”
Cole Bedford, James Rose Award, 3rd Place: “Prostitution Helped Make Me Literate (Kind of)”

Madisyn Ritland, James Rose Award, 1st Place: “Self-Inflicted Abuse in Wuthering Heights
Ayla McCarthy Combes, Sarah Willis Award, 2nd Place: “‘There Are Many Odd Things to Put Down’: An Analysis of the Use of Structure in Dracula
Tasha Gagnon, Billie and Curtis Owens Award, 3rd Place: “‘I Was the More Deceived’: Gaslighting in The Taming of the Shrew and Hamlet
Luke Widlund, Billie and Curtis Owens Award, 3rd Place: “Bondage Kicks and Other Flesh”
Sabrina Boyle, Richard Gill Award, Honorable Mention: “The Buttons Are the Window to the Soul: The Uncanny in Coraline
Nicholas A. Krauss, Richard Gill Award, Honorable Mention: “‘Abased Love’ A Comparison of the Romances of Cligès and Tristan and Iseult
Katana Collado, Richard Gill Award, Honorable Mention: “Fitzgerald as Corset”
Zane Davis A. Zamora, Richard Gill Award, Honorable Mention: “Educated Ignorance: The Victor Frankenstein Story”

Marcos Hinojosa, Gerard Cannon Award, 1st Place: “Rose, Bud, Thorn”
Conor Baker, Sarah Willis Award, 2nd Place: “Gift of the Mortician”
Noura Boustany Jost, Billie and Curtis Owens Award, 3rd Place: “Trapped”

Tyler Crosby, Gerard Cannon Award, 1st Place: “Timecode and Surveillance: A New Rhetoric in the Dawning Age of Digital Cinema”
Madisyn Ritland, Sarah Willis Award, 2nd Place: “Turbulent Heart of Darkness and Incandescent Glory of the Myriad Mind of Man”
Colleen Haggerty, Billie and Curtis Owens Award, 3rd Place: “‘Ex Machina’: Special Effects as a Vessel to Display Societal Limitations and Power”
Katherine Orgen, Billie and Curtis Owens Award, 3rd Place: “Landscape and Photography in Blow-Up

Sarah Hartzell, Sarah Willis Award, 1st Place: “One Person, One Vote: The Evolution of the Electoral College”
Katrina Alonso, James Rose Award, 2nd Place: “University Tries to ‘Make It Happen’”
Felice Joanna (Anna) Yesilevskiy, Richard Gill Award, 3rd Place: “Shia LaBoeuf's Newest Project Delivers Controversy”
Anna Maria Sejuelas, Richard Gill Award, 3rd Place: “Ariana Grande: Inspiring the ‘Dangerous Woman’ in All of Us”

Chang (Harrison) Yang, David A. Bickimer-Promise of Learnings /Academy of American Poets Prize:
“Grandpa Visits Me During the Summer,” “My Gay Friends Adopt a Daughter,” “Repairs in a Fishing Village West of Hong Kong,” “My Girl,” and “Where are we going”
Mollie Murtagh, Gerard Cannon Award, 1st Place: “To Hoboken,” “Funny,” “In Queens,” “Drug Store Mantra,” and “Saturday Night, Sunday Morning”
Kelsey O'Brien-Enders, Gerard Cannon Award, 1st Place: “Opening Night,” “An Encounter with You in Three Parts,” “Union Square,” “Slam,” and “The Face of an Actor”
Katie Curley, Sarah Willis Award, 2nd Place: “Greenwich Village,” “Election Day,” “Pencil Pushers,” “Muumuu,” and “The Ghost of Lord Baltimore”
Alexa Mauzy, Sarah Willis Award, 2nd Place: “Elegy: Missed Connections,” “having a Xanax w/ u,” “Parking Lot,” “srry :/” and “New York Real Estate”
Jacob Holzman, Richard Gill Award, 3rd Place: “Ways I Could Begin to Talk to You,” “In an Attempt to Explain Myself,” “Bagel Shop Window,” “I am so Conflicted about Gertrude Stein!” and “Rain Poem”
Jordan Rose Little, Richard Gill Award, 3rd Place: “The Statue of the Fat Woman in Downtown San Jose,” “Moon Visit,” Spring Time,” “Theory of Heartbreak,” and “Turialba”
Sabrina Boyle, Billie and Curtis Owens Award, Honorable Mention: “Sonnet,” “Dust Bunny,” “Ugly Little Big Girl,” “Things to Do on the Jersey Shore,” and “For Our Date”
Leopoldo A. Orozco Correa, Billie and Curtis Owens Award, Honorable Mention: “Once, Maria,” “The Story of My Legs,” “Sheer,” “Theta,” and “Poemario”
Juliet Mueller, Gerard Cannon Award, 1st Place: “Literary Studies”
Nanichi Aguado, Sarah Willis Award, 2nd Place: “The Cuban Sandwich”
Joshua Call, Richard Gill Award, 3rd Place: “Cassandra”
Nessie Nankivell, James Rose Award, Honorable Mention: “Otherbody: A Brief Musical Allegory”
Harold Hodge, James Rose Award, Honorable Mention: "The Boy in the Church"

Kelly Herbert Writing Award
Endowed by Ms. Julie Hanus and administered by the Pace Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Asexual and Ally (LGBTQA) & Social Justice Center
Presented by Kelly Herbert
Nelli Agbulos, “An Open Letter on Allyship”

Congratulations to Film and Screen Studies and English Major Graduates

Celebration and Readings of Aphros 57 (2017)
New Aphros Issue and Readers Introduced
by Editors Tasha Gagnon and Harrison Yang
Caroline Snape, “Through the Kitchen Window (or: A Greek Tragedy in the Theatre Lobby)”
Jordan Rose Little, “The Compost Bin”

Tasha Gagnon
Harrison Yang

Kristen Bianco
Tara Chariton
Denise Cordero
Tiffany Edson
Jessica Jimenez
Jordan Little
Kelsey O’Brien-Enders
Caroline Snape

 Charles North

APHROS 57 Readers’ Bios
Caroline Snape from Blackburn, United Kingdom, is in her senior year as an English Language and Literature major. After graduation, she is planning to work in dramaturgy. She is excited for her poetry to be published in Aphros this year!

Jordan Rose Little is a Gender Studies and English and Culture double major at Pace University. She is a senior, graduating in the fall of 2017, and a staff member of Aphros. She's very excited and grateful for the opportunity to see her work published!

English Department
Eugene Richie, Chair
Sid Ray, Associate Chair
Brice Particelli, Assistant Chair

Film and Screen Studies Department
Catherine Zimmer, Chair

Writing Awards Director
Brice Particelli

Willis, Owens, Gill, Cannon, and Rose Writing Awards,
and the Academy of American Poets Prize Award Committees

Charles North, Chair
Tom Breidenbach
Eugene Richie
Ana Velasco

Helane Levine-Keating, Chair
Ebele Oseye
Randolyn Zinn

Bureen Ruffin, Chair
Mara Grayson

Jon Danziger, Chair
Frank Martinelli
Joshua Kennedy

Judd Silverman, Chair
Bureen Ruffin

Stephanie Hsu, Chair
Erica Johnson
Beth Roberts

Kristen di Gennaro, Chair
Meaghan Brewer
Phil Choong

Colin Williamson, Chair
Lauren Cramer

Kelley Kreitz, Chair
Melissa Persaud

Special thanks to our Department Administrative Staff Associate, Carol Dollison, and our outstanding student assistants—Sambridhi Ghimire and Elijah Jones—for help with publicity, award committee work, and the awards ceremony; to Maximilliano Onofre, Executive Editor of The Pace Press, for publicizing the awards competition and ceremony; to the Dyson College Communications Office (Angela Nally, Diane Wai, Chris Snow, Ryan Milan, Stephanie Spallone) for posters, flyers, photography, and event publicity in Pace publications and on Dyson Websites and social media; and to Winston Vera, Derrick Jones, Diane Lewis, and Jonathan Forte for their dedicated efforts in making awards certificates, publicity materials, manuscript copies, and the ceremony program.

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