Saturday, February 27, 2021


2021 NYC English Department Willis, Owens, Gill, Cannon, and Rose Writing Awards, 

and the Academy of American Poets Prize 

For questions, contact Awards Director, Eugene Richie:

Results at

Submissions by email only to 

by Wed., March 24, 2021, by 11:59 pm.

AWARDS: $20,000 in awards from the Sarah Willis, Billie and Curtis Owens, Richard Gill, Gerard Cannon, and James Rose funds (former English Dept. faculty) will be given in Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction, Writing for Film and Television, Playwriting, Journalism, Writing on Film, Literary Criticism, Linguistic and Rhetorical Analysis, and Comics and Graphic Novels. The Academy of American Poets Prize (established at Pace by John Ashbery and David Kermani) is awarded in the Poetry category.

ELIGIBILITYYou must be a NYC undergraduate English, Film and Screen Studies (FSS), or American Studies (AMS) major; a minor in Creative Writing, English, Literature, Language and Linguistics, Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies, Classical and Medieval Studies, Translation Studies, or Journalism and Digital Storytelling; or an undergraduate from NYC or PLV in any major who has taken (or is taking) a NYC ENG course aboveENG 201, 200-level LIT course, 300-level ENG or LIT course, or any FSS or AMS course. Also, you must have been enrolled as a Pace student during the current academic year, or in the 2019-2020 academic year. 

DEADLINE: Wed., March 24, 2021, by 11:59 pm. Submissions by email only to

Send one email and attach a separate .docx file in that one email for each award category you enter with your cover page first followed by your writing in that category in one file. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PLAYWRITING AND SCREENWRITING ENTRIES: Submit your play or screenplay in a pdf file without your name on it, but also attach one additional cover page docx file for each play or screenplay. Your first email will get a receipt; additional ones will not.

WRITING CATEGORIESYou may submit in multiple categories, but include one cover page for each category.        

·       FICTION/docx: 30 double-spaced pages maximum, but no more than 3 pieces, i.e., short stories or part of a novel.

·       POETRY/docx: 5 poems maximum, but no more than 5 total pages. Begin each poem on a new page with 1 column per page.

·       NONFICTION/docx: 30 double-spaced pages maximum, but no more than 3 pieces, i.e., personal essays, profiles, memoirs, biography, food, travel, or cultural writing (but not literary criticism, writing on film, book reviews or journalism).

·       WRITING FOR FILM AND TELEVISION (Use only a pdf file for your writing and a separate docx file for your cover page): For feature-length screenplays, 10-30 pages maximum in screenplay format, and a 1-page (double-spaced) story outline. For television scripts, a completed spec episode or pilot in standard script format. You can submit entries for both areas.

·       PLAYWRITING (Use only a pdf file for writing and a separate docx file for cover page): 10-30 pages maximum in standard play format and a 1-page analysis of characters, setting, action, and the singular event that sparks the subsequent action.

·       JOURNALISM/docx: 25 double-spaced pages maximum, but no more than 3 pieces, i.e., news or feature writing; and reviews of current gallery shows, performances, multimedia work, books, theater, or cinema.

·       WRITING ON FILM/docx: 25 double-spaced pages maximum, but no more than 1 piece, i.e., formal, historical, or theoretical analysis of film (see Journalism for current film reviews). 

·       LITERARY CRITICISM/docx: 30 double-spaced pages maximum, but no more than 3 pieces, i.e., critical essays on literature (see Journalism for reviews of current books; see Comics and Graphic Novels for essays on that genre).

·       LINGUISTIC AND RHETORICAL ANALYSIS/docx: 15 double-spaced pages maximum, including collections of shorter pieces analyzing linguistic data. Multimodal pieces and posters are also welcome. We especially encourage submissions reflecting linguistic diversity.

·       COMICS AND GRAPHIC NOVELS (Essays)/docx: 25 double-spaced pages maximum, but no more than 3 essays. 

·       COMICS AND GRAPHIC NOVELS/docx:25 manuscript pages maximum, but comprising script for at least 8 comics pages.



Submit one Cover Page for each writing category you enter. Each Cover Page consists of the following:


·       Name of appropriate category (i.e., FICTION).

·       Your name; 9-digit student ID or U#; and list your English, FSS, or AMS major or Creative Writing, English, Literature, Language and Linguistics, Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies, Classical and Medieval Studies, Translation Studies, or Journalism and Digital Storytelling minor. Or if a non-English major, list major and course #, semester, and year of one ENG course aboveENG 201, one 200-level LIT course, one 300-level ENG or LIT course, or one FSS or AMS course ever taken.

·       Email address, phone number(s), local mailing address.

·       The title(s) of all the works in this category & include those titles on the works too without your name.

Writing Entry: DO NOT put your name on any other page aside from the cover page

·       All writing must be carefully edited and proofread. 

·       DO NOT include page numbers on any pages.                                

·       Applications must be emailed to nyenglishawards@gmail.comby 11:59 pm, WED., MARCH 24.

·       Awards Ceremony, Thursday, April 22, 2021, 3:30-5pm. News @

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